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Paul Cahan

"Foot Pain On The Brain"

"Foot Pain On The Brain" by Paul Cahan

Passaic, New Jersey

plywood, metal screws

24 inches long x 18 inches wide x 23 inches deep

I had a severe delayed adverse reaction to the antibiotic Floxin, which is now been renamed Levaquin.
After being given a 10 day course of it, inflammation in my legs made walking nearly impossible. I suffered two tendon ruptures, permanent tendinitis, nerve and cartilage damage that has all been confirmed with medical tests. There are over 3,000 lawsuits now against the pharmaceutical company that produced Floxin, but it's too late for me. The company downplayed warnings about the dangers and the doctor told me it was safe. I have expressed my anger, anguish, and pain in many art forms since words cannot express the deep pain and anger that I have over this medical disaster. I submitted a shareholder proposal to strengthen the drug's label. Both the company and the Securities and Exchange Commission did not allow my shareholder proxy to be brought to vote. Additional art has expressed anger and disappointment toward government agencies that are supposed to protect people from corporate harm.

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