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Lynda Robinson

"'My Migraine' - Self Portrait"

"'My Migraine' - Self Portrait" by Lynda Robinson

Victoria, Australia


55 cm x 35 cm

I am a migraine sufferer! My first attack occured when I was 13 years old and I had no idea what was happening to me. Migraine is so much more than a headache, and if you are a sufferer too you will know what I’m talking about! An attack can last from 12 to 24, and sometimes 48 hours. When it finally subsides I am left with a feeling of total exhaustion for a couple of days. The screwdriver illustrates the searing, throbbing pain that is concentrated on the side of my head and behind my eye. If I was looking at my face in a mirror I would only be able to see a quarter of my whole face. The needles in my hand signify the numbness which I get in my hand, arm and sometimes my leg. The lettering signifies the vision disturbance which lasts for about an hour before I get the headache, and the confusion I feel when trying to concentrate on words (I sometimes say things backwards during an attack and call things by their incorrect names) and finally there are the bright flashing lights and the nausea.

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