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Radene Marie-Cook

"Pain - The Divided Soul"

"Pain - The Divided Soul" by Radene Marie-Cook

Lancaster, California

acrylic paint with vintage jewelry and "found" items

24 inches long x 20 inches wide x 2 inches deep

An aircraft accident in 2000 left me with spinal cord injuries, Central Pain, and an entirely different way of experiencing life. Intractable pain is a brutal master that demands your attention to even the smallest of details. "Divided Soul" expresses the dilemma that every chronic and intractable pain patient is forced to deal with: the socially acceptable face we present in public and the private horror going on inside, behind the smile.

The scarred trunk is a nod to some devastating conditions I share with thousands of others -- Adhesive Arachnoiditis and Cauda Equina Syndrome.

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