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Patrick Shapard

"Attempted Survival: Self-Portrait With CFIDS"

"Attempted Survival: Self-Portrait With CFIDS" by Patrick Shapard

Seattle, Washington

pencil with gold and silver and colored pencils

10 inches long x 14 inches wide

I was diagnosed with a liver ailment and that moved also into chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome and fibromyalgia. I turned to art to work out what I was feeling and to take a hard look at the pain that comes with the disorders. I have worked with ceaseless chronic pain and the frustration and the realization that the pain was beyond what people could understand. I feel like I was a walking dead . fighting that pain and fighting it alone because of others inability to comprehend the extent of the pain. The drawing is what this pain is about to me. It shows pain and loss but also it shows that there is a sense of hope. And it is that hope that keeps me going. Keeps me looking through the pain at the beauty that surrounds us. shows me that the pain is just a small part of a total and complete life.

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